Why does the fever come back after vaccination?

Most of the recurring fever after vaccination is related to the side effects of vaccines, but it may also be caused by disease factors, such as colds and blood diseases. 1. Side effects of vaccines: Vaccines are artificial active immunization, which in layman’s terms means injecting treated pathogens into the human body so that an immune response occurs, resulting in the production of protective antibodies. This process will make the human body appear a series of symptoms similar to the disease, such as short-term recurring fever, body weakness, headache, etc., generally do not need special treatment, most of them can get better on their own. 2. Disease factors: Excluding the side effects of the vaccine, recurrent fever may also be related to disease factors, such as viral infections caused by colds, or the presence of bacterial infections in the body, fungal infections, and so on, can also cause recurrent fever. In addition, rheumatic immune system diseases, endocrine diseases, blood diseases and other multi-system diseases may cause symptoms of recurrent fever. Fever after vaccination may be caused by other reasons. If the symptoms can not be relieved, it is necessary to pay great attention and go to a regular hospital as soon as possible to investigate the cause of the disease and take standardized treatment under the guidance of a physician to avoid delaying the disease.

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