Does melatonin have the ingredients of a sleeping pill

Melatonin is no sleeping pill ingredient, but melatonin itself can play a role in calming and improving sleep. Melatonin is actually a hormone secreted from the pineal gland, which can be secreted by both humans and mammals, and can improve the sleep of patients, and many people have problems with sleep disorders, then buy melatonin to take orally. Melatonin can improve sleep in the clinic, mainly for those patients with insomnia caused by jet lag, the effect is more significant. But it is not recommended that patients take melatonin orally for a long time, because melatonin is after all a hormone in the body, long-term oral intake, or improper oral intake after the patient is prone to endocrine disruption. So if you have insomnia, you should seek regular neurological treatment. For example, through oral sleeping pills diazepam, dezopiclone, eszopiclone, this kind of drugs should also be taken under the guidance of a doctor as needed.

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