Children’s appetite is not good to eat what can be adjusted

Most children’s poor appetite is caused by accumulation of food and indigestion, because the child’s digestive system is not well developed, at this time due to improper feeding, there is accumulation of food and poor appetite, can be given oral pediatric chemotherapy pills, stomach and appetite tablets, etc. to regulate the spleen and stomach, intestinal probiotics can promote digestion. In addition, the lack of trace elements of zinc can also lead to loss of appetite and paranoia, you should go to the hospital for trace elements examination, if lacking, you can give your child zinc gluconate oral liquid or zinc and selenium to supplement zinc elements. Parents should pay attention to the reasonable arrangement of eating habits, to make sure that the child has a sense of hunger and the awareness of eating actively, and the child should exercise properly to mobilize the whole body to improve appetite. If the child’s appetite does not change even after doing these points, he or she should go to the hospital for further related examination.

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