How much does prostatitis treatment cost?

The cost of treating prostatitis is not too high. In the case of acute bacterial prostatitis, the cost should be the highest. Such patients may have a high fever and be unable to urinate, and will need intravenous antibiotics for a week to two weeks, which will cost about $2,000 to $3,000. In addition, if you can’t urinate and need a temporary cystostomy, you need to add another $2,000, then the total cost will be about $5,000. The cost of the hospitalization will cost about $7,000-8,000 to cure. If it is a chronic common prostatitis, usually combined with bacterial infection, you can take half a month of oral levofloxacin capsules, about 200 yuan money, own attention can not be cold, sedentary, cycling, smoking, drinking, eating spicy stimulating food, these do not need money. Then you need to take some oral Chinese medicine, such as prostate Shu Tong, Weng Li Tong and so on, need to take oral half a year, these drugs for half a year probably need 2000 yuan, then a total of 2200 yuan money or so.

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