What’s going on under the male tether?

Bumps under the male tie may be due to penile pearl rash, sebaceous cysts, warts and other causes. 1. Penile Pearl Rash: It is mainly distributed on the sides of the prepuce ligament and the glans coronal groove, manifesting itself as a granulation or papillary protuberance. It is small in size, has no secretion, generally does not feel pain, and has no other abnormal sensation or odor. In general, it may exist for a long time, and is related to prepuce or circumcision. 2. Sebaceous cysts: Sebaceous cysts are mainly pustules under the penis skin with smooth surface. They usually do not increase in size within a short period of time and may disappear on their own without treatment. 3. Condyloma acuminatum: Most of the time it is due to unclean sexual contact and infection with human papillomavirus. Infection can appear scattered, multiple sarcomas, sarcoma surface is not smooth. Often, they are accompanied by a protuberance or localized discharge. The size of the number can gradually increase with the disease, and the fusion of each other will produce a cauliflower-shaped lump. There may be other reasons for the growth of small bumps under the male ligament, and patients need to consult the doctor in time for examination and early treatment.

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