Maximum number of days bleeding water after hemorrhoid surgery

The symptoms of bleeding water after hemorrhoid surgery will last up to 14 days, if there are still symptoms of bleeding water for more than 14 days, you should go to the hospital in time to find out the cause. The symptoms of bleeding water after hemorrhoid surgery, mainly because of hemorrhoids wound oozing blood as well as hemorrhoids wound infection caused by the inflammatory reaction, it usually takes about 7 to 14 days can completely disappear. Hemorrhoids is the most common anorectal disease, is due to the anal canal or the lower end of the rectum venous congestion and enlargement caused by the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids mainly for strangulated hemorrhoids, incarcerated hemorrhoids necrosis, more than two degrees of internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids. It is recommended that patients after hemorrhoid surgery, to keep the perianal area clean, can be rinsed 1 to 2 times a day, two weeks avoid drinking alcohol and eating spicy stimulating food, if the patient more than 14 days still have bleeding water, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner, to clarify the cause of the disease and treatment.

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