Fetal biparietal diameter standard at 33 weeks of pregnancy

At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the average fetal biparietal diameter is 8.50 ± 0.47 cm. When a woman is 33 weeks pregnant, she can check the biparietal diameter of the fetus by ultrasound to compare whether the fetus is in line with the month or not; when the fetus is developing, the size of the fetus is affected by factors such as heredity, environment, nutrition as well as individual differences, so the result is not exactly the same. As long as the values of the fetus are within the normal range and no other abnormalities are found during the examination, there is no need to worry too much. In addition, it is recommended that after pregnancy, women should pay attention to the nutritional balance of food, relax, maintain a happy mood, nourish the fetus at ease, pay attention to warmth, pay attention to rest, maintain good sleep habits, not to stay up too late, and do not be too tired.

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