Nectarine Tea Efficacy and Effects

Oil sweet tea is made of the Chinese medicine Yu Ganzi, and its brew has the effect of clearing heat and relieving phlegm, moistening the lungs and relieving phlegm, and quenching thirst, which is clinically used in the treatment of colds and fevers. Yu Gan Zi is bitter, sweet, acidic and cool in nature, belonging to the liver, lung, spleen, stomach and other meridians, and its effect is to clear away heat and ease the throat, moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, and promote the production of body fluid to quench thirst, etc. It is clinically used for the treatment of colds and fever. It is clinically used for the treatment of cold and fever, cough, sore throat, diphtheria, irritable heat (irritability and sultriness) thirst, hypertension and other diseases. It is contraindicated for those with deficiency and coldness in the spleen and stomach. Adverse reactions are not clear. It should also be noted that the efficacy of Chinese herbal tea drink is limited and cannot be used as a substitute for medication. If you feel unwell, it is recommended that you go to the hospital in a timely manner for treatment under the guidance of a professional physician. Do not self-medicate, so as not to delay the condition.

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