What to do if your armpits are sweaty, red, swollen and painful?

Excessive sweating, redness, swelling and pain in the underarms may be due to underarm eczema, salpingitis, folliculitis and other causes. It can be treated with daily regimen, topical medication and oral medication according to the cause.
1. Underarm eczema: It can be nourished by wearing loose and breathable cotton clothes, keeping clean and hygienic underarms, eating a reasonable diet with more fresh fruits and vegetables. At the same time, external glucocorticoid ointment such as mometasone furoate cream can be used, and oral antihistamine such as loratadine can be taken.
2. Dengue: you can use topical mupirocin ointment, fusidic acid ointment and other antibiotics to apply, while the joint oral amoxicillin, roxithromycin and other antibiotics. In addition, you need to keep the local skin clean and dry.
3. Folliculitis: Clindamycin gel, mupirocin ointment and other drugs can be used externally, oral antibiotic drugs for treatment if necessary, such as amoxicillin capsules, azithromycin capsules and so on. At the same time pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid scratching.
The sweaty, red, swollen and painful underarms may have other conditions, so you can go to the hospital to complete the relevant examinations to clarify the situation and take appropriate measures. The above drugs are recommended to be used under the guidance of a doctor, avoid self-medication.

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