What fruits should I not eat when I have a cold in general?

If you have no allergies, you can usually eat fruit during a cold. Fruits provide the body with nutrients such as vitamins and dietary fiber and are generally okay to eat during a cold. Fruit itself does not cause cold symptoms to worsen or develop. At the same time, fruits do not have the therapeutic effects of medicines and cannot be used to treat illnesses. What should be taken into account is the way the fruit is preserved. Chilled fruits should not be consumed during illness to avoid stimulating the body to produce diarrhea and other discomforts. At the same time, you should pay attention to the right amount of fruit, too much is not conducive to nutritional balance, but also easy to cause indigestion, not conducive to the treatment and recovery of the disease. If the symptoms of cold and flu are serious, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time.

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