Can gibberellic acid tea leaves be drunk for a long time

Gynostemma is cold in nature and is not recommended to be drunk for a long period of time, which may damage the spleen yang. And tea can play a limited medicinal effect, can not replace the drug treatment of disease. Gynostemma is sweet and bitter, cold in nature. It belongs to the spleen meridian and the lung meridian. Its effects are to benefit qi and strengthen the spleen (regulating the qi of the spleen and stomach), clearing heat and removing toxins (removing heat and toxins from the body), and resolving phlegm and relieving cough. Gynostemma can be used to treat symptoms such as tiredness and fatigue, loose stools, cough and phlegm, and fever. Adverse reactions and contraindications have not been clarified. However, the cold nature of gibberellic acid can not be consumed for a long time, long-term consumption will damage the spleen Yang, diarrhea and other symptoms. The use of drugs need to be under the guidance of a physician, if you are not feeling well, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner, avoid self-medication.

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