What causes a dark circle around the neck?

The appearance of a dark circle of the neck may be caused by ultraviolet radiation, allergic dermatitis, acanthosis nigricans and other reasons. 1. Ultraviolet radiation: when the skin of face or neck is exposed to sunlight for a long time, after wind or direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, it may cause melanin precipitation, which may cause a circle of dark neck. 2. Allergic dermatitis: when patients often use some topical skin care products, cosmetics, or direct contact with certain jewelry, allergic to jewelry materials, triggering allergic dermatitis, skin inflammation may also cause pigmentation, appearing in a circle of black neck. 3. Acanthosis nigricans: Acanthosis nigricans is a rare skin disease, patients may appear neck skin color deepening, light gray, light brown or dark brown, skin dryness, roughness, etc., patients with a circle of black neck may also be caused by acanthosis nigricans. It is recommended that patients seek medical examination in time to clarify the cause of the disease and then carry out targeted treatment, pay attention to skin care in life, avoid contact with allergic substances, and regular review.

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