Can pregnant women have surgery for hemorrhoids?

Surgery is not advocated for pregnant women who have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are often caused by low activity during pregnancy, improper diet, and taking more tonic drugs. As the fetus grows in the abdomen, abdominal pressure gradually increases, intestinal peristalsis becomes slower, defecation becomes difficult, anorectal tissue undergoes increased pressure, and blood flow in the tissue is poor and stagnant, causing congestion, edema, thrombosis, and inflammatory changes that lead to hemorrhoids, which manifest as blood in the stool, anal pain, prolapsed masses, and swelling, affecting activity and rest The treatment of hemorrhoids is based on medication. The treatment of hemorrhoids is based on medication, and the drugs used should be harmless to the pregnant woman and the fetus. Most of the drugs used to treat hemorrhoids contain musk and other ingredients that activate blood stasis, which can easily cause premature birth and teratogenesis. The hemorrhoids caused by constipation can be relieved by eating more fruit, exercising properly, and using topical medication. After pregnant women get hemorrhoids, try to carry out thorough treatment in the early stage, if you have hemorrhoids before pregnancy, you should also carry out treatment, after pregnancy hemorrhoids do not advocate surgical treatment.

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