What does human albumin injection injection do?

Human blood albumin is a blood substitute, a kind of high-protein drug, which can enhance the immunity of the organism, and has a good effect on the treatment of hypoproteinemia, postoperative wounds that do not heal, and debilitation caused by malignant diseases. The main active ingredient of human albumin injection is albumin, which is used to replenish the protein of the body, and has a very important role in regulating the metabolism of the human physiological activities, and secondly, albumin is also able to regulate the flow inside and outside the blood vessels. In the clinic, it is mainly used for the treatment of acute diseases caused by insufficient expansion of blood volume, which can improve the body’s immunity, and has a very good effect on the improvement of the body’s burns, chemotherapy assistance, blood loss trauma, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatic ascites, and renal edema. It is mainly administered by intravenous push or intravenous drip, and patients may experience adverse reactions such as nausea and vomiting during use. The product is contraindicated for people with severe allergy to albumin, acute heart disease, severe anemia and renal insufficiency. The use of the product requires attention that once opened, it should be infused in a single infusion. Due to the hypertonic effect of the product, overdose can cause dehydration, increased circulatory load on the body, congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Human albumin injection should be used under the guidance of a professional doctor, do not use the drug blindly on your own, and inform the health care personnel of any discomfort in the process of using the drug.

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