Can you eat leeks for hemorrhoids?

You can eat leeks for hemorrhoids, but you should not overdo it. It is recommended that hemorrhoid patients consume more food rich in dietary fiber, which is beneficial to the condition.
Hemorrhoids belong to a common disease, the condition of the recovery period should be scientific and reasonable diet, in order to promote the recovery of the disease. Leek is rich in fiber, is conducive to maintaining a smooth stool, hemorrhoids patients can also be eaten, will not affect the recovery of the disease, but also for the body to supplement vitamins and minerals. But pay attention to should not be excessive, to avoid diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms.
Hemorrhoid patients should eat more fruits and vegetables, can promote gastrointestinal motility. At the same time to reduce the consumption of spicy, stimulating, greasy food, try not to drink alcohol, so as not to affect the recovery of the condition.
Hemorrhoids should be taken seriously, and actively seek medical treatment for standardized treatment, so as not to affect the patient’s health.

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