What is the quality of sperm in natural conception

The quality of sperm for natural conception is related to the man’s living habits and whether he suffers from genital diseases, etc. If the patient has better living habits and does not suffer from genital diseases, the sperm quality is better. However, if the living habits are poor and there are genital diseases, the sperm quality is usually relatively poor. Due to individual differences, it is impossible to generalize the sperm quality of natural fertilization. For normal men, if they have good living habits, no symptoms of physical discomfort, and no genital diseases, the sperm quality is generally good and there is no need to worry, and they can undergo relevant examinations before preparing for pregnancy to clarify the quality of sperm. However, if patients stay up late for a long time, have frequent sexual intercourse, do not pay attention to personal hygiene, or suffer from diseases such as adnexitis, glansitis, orchitis, seminal vesiculitis, urinary tract infection, etc., the quality of their sperms will be poorer compared to normal people. Therefore, if patients suffer from genital diseases, they should actively treat the original disease after. Under the guidance of doctors to prepare for pregnancy.

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