What’s wrong with a pregnant tummy ache?

If you are pregnant and have a vague pain in your tummy, consider that it is related to the enlargement of the uterus, gastrointestinal discomforts, and miscarriage at first sign.
1. Enlargement of the uterus: After pregnancy, the uterus gradually increases in size as the fertilized egg settles in the uterus, which may cause the ligamentous tissues around the uterus to be pulled, resulting in the symptom of vague pain in the stomach.
2. Gastrointestinal discomfort: some women may consume cold and irritating or unclean food, which may irritate the gastrointestinal area and cause vague pain in the abdomen.
3. Pre-eclampsia: women’s small stomach pain after pregnancy, do not rule out due to pre-eclampsia factors, at this time there will be obvious uterine contractions, so feel the hidden pain in the abdomen, some women also accompanied by vaginal bleeding symptoms.
The symptoms of a hidden pain in the stomach after pregnancy, there may be other reasons, if necessary, can cooperate with the doctor to carry out other aspects of the examination, to understand the cause and then do treatment and treatment.

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