How to treat a 1.5 year old baby who has a fever that comes back after cooling down

1.5 year old baby after cooling down the fever again may be insufficient medication, not the cause of treatment, low resistance to cause, need to use antipyretic drugs, antibiotics and other treatments according to the situation. 1. insufficient medication: if the first time to use fever-reducing drugs when the dose is insufficient, it is difficult to completely let the body temperature return to normal, thus appearing again fever, can be spaced 4-5 hours under the guidance of the doctor to use a sufficient amount of fever-reducing drugs for treatment, most of the fever can be successfully reduced. 2. not cause treatment: 1.5 year old baby fever may be caused by viral or bacterial infections, etc., if the simple fever reduction treatment, the lesions still exist naturally recurring fever. In taking ibuprofen suspension and other antipyretic drugs at the same time, but also need to find the cause of fever to give targeted treatment, such as the existence of bacterial infections, need to comply with the doctor’s orders to use antibiotics such as cefaclor treatment. 3. low resistance: the child’s body resistance is relatively low, but the presence of infectious agents around the cause of recurrent infections, there will be a constant fever, need to stay away from, do a good job of protecting the baby. 1.5 year old baby recurrent fever need to pay attention to, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner, clear cause, according to the cause to take targeted treatment, do not self-medication.

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