What Chinese medicines are used to treat constipation in Yin deficiency?

The specific medication for treating constipation caused by yin deficiency should be prescribed by a professional physician, and commonly used proprietary Chinese medicines include fluid-enhancing granules. The formula consists of Xuan Shen, Di Huang and Maidong, which has the effect of nourishing yin and generating fluids, clearing heat and moistening dryness. It is commonly used in the treatment of yin deficiency and internal heat, dry mouth and pharynx, dry stools and other diseases caused by heat and fluid deficiency; and it is also used as an auxiliary medicine for the loss of body fluids due to high fever in infectious diseases. In the formula, Radix Panax Ginseng is bitter, salty and cold, clearing heat, nourishing yin and generating fluid; Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae is sweet, bitter and cold, clearing heat, nourishing yin, and generating fluid; the lungs and the large intestine are mutually exclusive, therefore, Maitong is used to nourish the lungs and increase fluid, and generate fluids to moisten the dryness of the intestines. The adverse reactions and contraindications of this product are not clear. Discomfort should seek medical advice in time, under the guidance of physician’s diagnosis and selection of medication, do not self-medication, in order to avoid delays in the condition.

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