Can a fractured neck of femur be sedentary after healing?

Patients with healed femoral neck fracture can theoretically be sedentary, but it is usually not recommended to sit for too long, and patients can move around appropriately every once in a while to promote blood circulation. Sitting for a long time will lead to poor blood circulation in the lower limbs, which is not conducive to recovery. It takes time for the fracture to heal, one month after surgery to form a strong bony connection, and three months to return to normal, so at least one month before you can sit up, even after the fracture has healed, you should also do some exercise activities to improve the blood supply of the tissues around the fracture and nerve repair, which will help the fracture place to further healing and recovery. Patients with femoral neck fracture should do the appropriate functional exercises under the guidance of the doctor, go to the hospital regularly to check the healing situation, and follow the doctor’s instructions to standardize the treatment.

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