How to tell if it’s a perianal abscess

To determine whether it is a perianal abscess is mainly determined from the clinical manifestations, auxiliary examination and other aspects.
1. Clinical manifestations: the main symptom of perianal abscess is persistent pain around the anus, aggravated by activities, because of the different parts of the abscess, the clinical manifestations are not the same.
Low-level abscess is mainly manifested as a localized hard lump around the anus, accompanied by redness, swelling, heat and pain symptoms, abscess ripening can be touched with obvious fluctuation; and high level abscess, the perianal symptoms are not serious, mainly manifested as the anal area of the swelling, sense of constipation, will be accompanied by fever and other systemic symptoms.
2. auxiliary examination: perianal abscess patients in rectal palpation, the affected side of the perianal mass can be touched, the location of high abscess can be touched with the rectal wall has bulging, obvious pressure pain, fluctuation is also more obvious, the local skin temperature is elevated, can be through the local puncture pumping pus, but also can be combined with the perianal ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and other tests, a clear diagnosis.
When patients have perianal discomfort, they should consult a doctor in time to determine the cause of the disease and follow the doctor’s instructions for timely treatment to avoid delaying the condition.

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