What to eat to get better from acute laryngitis in children

Clinically there is no children’s acute laryngitis what to eat to get well quickly, children’s acute laryngitis is mostly due to acute upper respiratory tract infections or allergies and other reasons, there will be a fever, cough and dyspnea and other symptoms, the patient can be applied to hormone medications, cough and phlegm medications, as well as pain medications, etc. to carry out the treatment.
1. Hormonal drugs: Prednisone and dexamethasone are commonly used to relieve the edema and excessive secretion of the laryngeal mucosa, thus relieving the dyspnea and hoarseness caused by acute laryngitis.
2. Cough and phlegm medicines: commonly used drugs are dextromethorphan, etc., mostly used for coughing up phlegm or no phlegm, such as cough with coughing up phlegm, you can take Ambroxol, bromhexine and other oral medicines for treatment.
3. Analgesic drugs: commonly used drugs such as ibuprofen, can play the role of analgesic, antipyretic, so as to alleviate the pain and fever caused by children’s acute laryngitis.
Specific medication, it is recommended that patients in the guidance of the doctor, to avoid unauthorized use of drugs to cause adverse effects. At the same time in the diet and life must pay attention to, can not eat spicy stimulating food, drink more water.

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