What are the effects of rhinitis on the body

The effects of rhinitis on the body mainly include affecting the function of sense of smell, affecting respiratory function, and also triggering inflammation of the throat and ear. 1. Impact on olfactory function: due to inflammation of the nasal cavity, resulting in swelling of the nasal mucosa, coupled with increased nasal secretions, nasal congestion and poor ventilation, which may have an impact on the patient’s sense of smell, resulting in decreased sense of smell. 2. Impact on respiratory function: due to the presence of inflammatory reaction in the patient’s nasal cavity, stimulation by inflammatory products can lead to nasal mucosa congestion, edema, resulting in an increase in nasal secretions, resulting in poor ventilation, thus affecting the patient’s normal respiratory function, so that the patient feels breathlessness. 3. Rhinitis can spread directly or secretion backflow stimulation nasopharynx, pharynx, causing pharyngitis and secretory otitis. Rhinitis patients, should follow the doctor’s instructions standardized treatment, to avoid adverse effects.

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