Can leukorrhea with milky paste and sour smell heal itself?

In most cases, bacterial vaginitis is considered to be the cause of the leukorrhea. If the infection is mild and the patient’s resistance increases, it may heal on its own. However, it is recommended that the patient seek medical attention and treatment to identify the cause to avoid aggravation of the infection.

Bacterial vaginitis is mostly caused by frequent sexual intercourse or excessive vaginal douching, which damages the vaginal environment and leads to the invasion of pathogenic bacteria. When symptoms appear, you should go to the gynecological department of a hospital, have a leuko examination and be treated with metronidazole vaginal effervescent tablets as prescribed by the doctor.

Since bacterial vaginitis can recur, patients should pay attention to keep the vulva dry and clean in daily life and avoid blindly using various vaginal and vulva cleansers to scrub the vulva and vaginal douching.

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