What’s wrong with a tongue with teeth marks on it?

Tooth marks on the tongue are generally categorized into physiological factors and pathological factors, and should be treated according to the specific causes. For example, there may be teeth marks on the tongue because the tongue is fat and easily squeezed by the teeth; or due to the spleen dysfunction, which leads to the formation of dampness as the water in the body cannot be metabolized properly, resulting in the appearance of teeth marks on the tongue.

1. Physiological factors: Because the tongue is big and fat, it is easy to be squeezed by the teeth, and the phenomenon of teeth marks on the tongue occurs, which usually does not need treatment.

2. Pathological factors: such as spleen deficiency and dampness in the body. Due to long-term dietary irregularities, spleen dysfunction, or living in a humid environment for a long time, resulting in the body’s water can not be properly metabolized, and the formation of moisture, the phenomenon of teeth marks on the tongue, can be prescribed by the use of Ginseng and Atractylodes Macrocephalae San for treatment.

Ginseng Ling and Atractylodes Macrocephalae has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach and benefiting the lungs and qi. It can be used for weak spleen and stomach, loose stool (thin and unformed feces), shortness of breath and cough, tiredness and fatigue. It is not recommended for those who have diarrhea with loose stools and a feeling of falling in the anus.

It is recommended to have a light diet to avoid aggravating the burden on the spleen and stomach, and go to the hospital in time to find out the cause of the disease.

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