What are the small white particles on your mouth

Small white particles on the mouth are sebaceous ectasia, which is more common, appears more often after puberty, and may subside in adulthood.
Sebaceous glands are a type of skin appendage in the human body, and the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips do not have sebaceous glands because they do not have skin appendages. However, due to developmental abnormalities, sebaceous glands may grow on the mucous membranes of the lips and form white granules, known as sebaceous ectasia.
Sebaceous ectasia is generally a small rice grain size, yellowish-white papules, lip mucosa can be clearly seen when taut, painless, itchy, no conscious symptoms, is a benign hyperplasia and no harm, may gradually shrink in adulthood, subside, but also in the hospital with the help of professional doctors, through the freezing, or laser and so on way to get rid of.

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