What happened when the earthworm mass did not disappear after varicocele surgery?

After varicocele surgery earthworm mass did not disappear to consider may be due to the lack of postoperative recovery, the characteristics of surgical treatment, incomplete ligation and other reasons.
1. Post-operative recovery: after varicocele surgery, the original stagnant blood is not absorbed by new veins, generally need to form new collateral blood vessels, the original stagnant blood is absorbed, the vein mass will be reduced, generally the full recovery takes about three months, it is recommended that regular review, and try to avoid strenuous exercise in the short term.
2. Surgical treatment features: As the surgical features will not lead to further aggravation of the venous mass, the main thing is that the surgery in a higher position to ligate the veins of the spermatic vein, only the varicose vein ligation cut off, and did not resect the varicose vein mass, so varicose veins after the operation of the earthworm mass has not disappeared.
3. Incomplete ligation: If the vein mass is still not disappeared more than 3 months after the operation, it may also be caused by incomplete ligation, resulting in the vein branches remaining, resulting in the earthworm mass not disappeared after varicocele operation, usually need to be operated again.
There may also be other reasons for this symptom, so it is recommended to go to the hospital in time and treat under the doctor’s guidance to avoid delaying the condition and causing other damages.

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