What kind of Chinese medicine to take for red and painful tongue

Red tongue pain is mostly related to heart fire, and can be treated with Chinese medicines such as Niuhuang Qingxin Pill and Tianwang Xinxindan. However, the specific cause and medication should be decided by the doctor according to the patient’s condition. 1. Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan is used for dizziness and dizziness caused by wind and phlegm obstruction of the orifices, congestion of phlegm and saliva (abnormal phlegm and excessive production of saliva), confusion, slurred speech, and convulsions and epilepsy (pediatric diseases mainly manifested by dizziness, convulsions, and convulsions). Pregnant women should use it with caution. 2. Tianwang Xinxin Tonic Dan has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing blood (nourishing blood in the body), tonifying the heart and tranquilizing the mind. It is used for palpitation (rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by panic), forgetfulness, insomnia, dreaminess, and dry stools caused by deficiency of heart yin. This product contains cinnabar in the prescription and should not be taken in excess for a long period of time, and should be used with caution in patients with liver and kidney insufficiency. If you need to use the medicine, you should go through the doctor’s diagnosis and follow the doctor’s instructions to standardize the treatment.

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