Can American ginseng be used in soup for children?

Children with Qi and Yin deficiency can follow the doctor’s instructions to use American ginseng to make soup, but the soup can not give full play to the effects of American ginseng, and can not replace the use of drugs. If the child has a deficiency of qi and yin, you can use the right amount of American ginseng to make soup and drink, if the child does not have a deficiency of qi and yin, it is not recommended to take this medicine. American ginseng, also known as western ginseng, is cool in nature, sweet in taste, slightly bitter, with the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing yin, clearing heat and generating fluids, and can be used for deficiency of qi and yin, deficiency of heat and fatigue, coughing, phlegm and blood, dry mouth and dry throat. This medicine is cold in nature, where the deficiency of yang, cold and damp obstruction and gas depression and fire and all the real evidence, fire and depression of the evidence are contraindicated, this product should not be used with quinoa and its preparations. This product should not be used together with veratrum and its preparations. When taking this product for children with qi and yin deficiency, it should not be taken for a long period of time, and should be taken under the guidance of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for identification of symptoms.

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