Can breast cancer patients eat clams after surgery?

Breast cancer patients can eat clams after surgery, but they need to be in moderation. Breast cancer patients are recommended to have a low-fat and high-protein diet in their daily life, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, etc., and eat less refined grains, processed meats, desserts, high-fat milk and deep-fried foods (such as noodles, bacon, cakes, fried chicken, etc.), while clams belong to low-fat and high-protein foods, so breast cancer patients can eat clams after surgery. Breast cancer refers to the uncontrolled proliferation of breast epithelial cells under the action of various carcinogenic factors. The causes of breast cancer are still unclear, but over-nutrition, obesity, high-fat diet and excessive alcohol consumption will increase the incidence of breast cancer. Therefore, patients should actively adjust their lifestyles after treatment, such as avoiding smoking and alcohol, avoiding staying up late, etc., to achieve a healthy and reasonable diet, and also need to go to the hospital regularly for review and follow-up to prevent recurrence. If there is any discomfort after consumption, consult a doctor in time.

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