How to stop itching when there are small red spots on the skin that are itchy

Small red dots on the skin and very itchy, may be related to papular urticaria, eczema and folliculitis and other diseases, in the treatment of the need to give symptomatic relief of itching, anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate the symptoms. 1. papular urticaria: also known as insect bite dermatitis, is due to mosquito bites and a skin disease, can be localized topical dinexed cream, glycerite lotion, etc. to relieve itching. 2. Eczema: a skin disease caused by a variety of factors, in the treatment of glucocorticoids combined with oral antihistamines to stop the itching, such as topical dinexed cream, oral loratadine tablets and so on. 3. Folliculitis: related to infection, commonly associated with Staphylococcus aureus infection, chest and back rash may also be caused by Malassezia, in the treatment of the need to be based on the pathogen to give the appropriate medication, bacterial infections caused by topical mupirocin ointment, Malassezia infections can be topical naftifine ketoconazole cream. Itchy skin with small red dots may also be caused by other diseases, need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, after a clear diagnosis, strictly comply with the doctor’s prescription medication.

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