Nutritional Value and Benefits of Hazelnuts with Side Effects

Hazelnuts contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, potassium and other nutrients, which can provide the body with the required fat, protein and other nutrients and energy, but overconsumption can lead to excessive intake of nutrients, aggravate the burden on the stomach and intestines and other side effects. Hazelnut is not a drug, does not have any drug efficacy. 1. Nutritional value: every 100g of hazelnut contains about 20g of protein, 24.3g of carbohydrates, 44.8g of fat, and the content of potassium is as high as 1,244mg, which is a relatively high content of potassium in the same kind of nuts. Moreover, each 100g hazelnut can provide 2411kJ of energy, but also contains a certain amount of niacin, riboflavin and other vitamins, as well as magnesium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals. 2. Side effects: If you eat too much hazelnut at one time, it can lead to excessive intake of protein, fat and other nutrients, aggravate the burden on the stomach and intestines, and even bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms. Long-term consumption of large quantities can easily lead to obesity. Although hazelnut has a certain nutritional value, but should be eaten in moderation, so as not to cause side effects, damage to health. People who are allergic to hazelnuts should avoid eating.

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