Where is xanthine oxidase mainly found

Xanthine oxidase is mainly found in cow’s milk, animal liver and kidney, insects and bacteria. Xanthine oxidase is a macromolecule, a flavoprotein enzyme containing molybdenum, non-heme iron, inorganic sulfide, and FAD, which can be involved in the decomposition and metabolism of nucleic acids in the body, and can promote the absorption and transportation of iron, and has a certain catalytic effect, catalyzing the production of uric acid from xanthine, which is mainly found in cow’s milk, liver and kidney of birds, as well as in insects and bacteria. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors are effective in the treatment of gout with hyperuricemia, and can also promote iron absorption and transport, as well as participate in the decomposition and metabolism of nucleic acids, but xanthine oxidase inhibitors can lead to liver cell damage, increasing the metabolic burden of the liver. Therefore, when the body is not feeling well, you can go to the hospital to test the level of xanthine oxidase, and make a diagnosis in time, under the advice of the doctor to actively treat, to avoid more serious effects on the body.

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