Does Acupuncture Work for Cervical Pain

Acupuncture for cervical pain has some relief. Cervical pain in Chinese medicine belongs to the category of “paralysis”, mostly due to the body’s lack of positive energy, external wind, cold and dampness, paralysis blockage of meridians and collaterals, qi and blood blockage caused by the often take the cervical spine, wind pool, Tianzhu and other acupoints for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. Cervical spine point is located in the first cervical vertebrae to the seventh cervical vertebrae under the spinous process, 0.5 inches aside, is to relieve neck pain, tightness and discomfort of the commonly used points, acupuncture or moxibustion can be unblocked neck meridians, effective relief of neck pain. Fengchi point is located in the back of the neck, below the occipital bone on both sides of the depression, there is wind relief, through the pain effect, for the external wind cold caused by the neck pain has a certain effect. Tianzhu acupoint is located in the middle of the back of the hairline 1.3 inches away from the lateral depression of the trapezius muscle, has the effect of wind clearing heat, for the neck pain has a certain role in relieving. Acupuncture and moxibustion of cervical spine pain and discomfort can effectively relieve the symptoms of cervical spine pain and discomfort. The operation should be carried out by a professional acupuncturist, do not carry out treatment in informal medical institutions, in order to avoid adverse consequences.

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