What to do if you have gastritis and have acid reflux after eating?

With gastritis acid reflux after eating can be improved by regular quantitative eating, eat more millet porridge and other easily digestible food to life. You can also take drugs such as ranitidine, domperidone, aluminum thioglycollate and other drugs that inhibit gastric acid, promote gastric emptying and protect the gastric mucosa. Gastritis patients may experience acid reflux by stimulating increased gastric acid secretion after eating, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as bloating and lack of appetite. 1. Life improvement: eat regularly, avoid overeating, so as not to stimulate excessive secretion of gastric acid. You can eat more millet porridge, noodle soup and other light and easy to digest food, avoid alcohol, hot pot and other stimulating food, so as not to aggravate the gastric mucosa damage. 2. Medication: Ranitidine and omeprazole can be taken to inhibit the secretion of gastric acid and relieve the symptoms of acid reflux. Use domperidone, mosapride, etc. to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate gastric emptying, reduce acid reflux. You can also take aluminum thioglycollate, magnesium aluminum carbonate, etc. to protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the stimulation of the gastric mucosa. The appearance of the phenomenon should be timely and reasonable treatment under the guidance of the doctor, do not blindly and arbitrarily use drugs to avoid adverse reactions.

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