What does eczema look like?

Eczema is a common inflammatory skin disease of unknown etiology, often manifested as erythema, papules, papules and other symptoms, according to the onset of the process and clinical manifestations can be categorized into acute eczema, subacute eczema and chronic eczema.
1. Acute eczema: occurs in the exposed parts of the body, lesions manifested as erythema, millet-like papules, papules with small blisters at the top, local scratching and erosion oozing, accompanied by intense itching and other symptoms.
2. subacute eczema: this type of lesions are mainly manifested as the color of dark red papules, papules, itching.
3. Chronic eczema: the main manifestation of dark red erythema, erythema on the pimples, scratches, scales, skin thickening, roughness, deepening and widening of the texture, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, obvious itching and other symptoms.
It is recommended that if patients have the above treatment, they should actively go to the dermatology department of regular hospitals to get a clear diagnosis and treatment.

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