Does fire during breastfeeding affect breast milk?

Fire during breastfeeding may interfere with the secretion of milk, resulting in a decrease in secretion and quality, which may have certain effects on the growth and development of the baby. Fire during breastfeeding can be caused by a variety of factors, such as excessive mental stress, agitation, or a diet containing more spicy and stimulating foods, which puts the mother in a dry and hot state, which then interferes with normal milk secretion and results in residual milk, reduced milk secretion, and milk fever. After the baby sucks the milk, it also tends to show symptoms related to fire, such as indigestion, mouth ulcers, dry and sore throat, facial flushing, diarrhea or constipation, and also irritable personality and reduced sleep quality. The negative consequences of abnormal milk secretion will affect the mother’s mood, making her more agitated and restless, affecting the activity of the maternal cerebral cortex, inhibiting the secretion of prolactin, aggravating the situation of reduced milk secretion, and even leading to a lack of milk. Therefore, if there is a situation of fire during breastfeeding, you need to pay attention to it and deal with it in time. Lactating women need to avoid staying up late and being overly tired, and forbid spicy and greasy foods such as hot pot, barbecue and fatty meat in their diet, and eat more vitamin C rich foods such as apples and oranges. If you cannot mediate through rest and diet, consult a professional doctor if necessary.

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