Causes of pimples on the ears

Acne grows on the ears due to poor diet and lifestyle habits. Frequent consumption of spicy and irritating foods, barbecued and fried foods, lack of attention to local hygiene, and frequent rubbing of the skin with hands manifest in the formation of scattered small pimples on the ears, i.e., ear inflammation and acne. If there is localized redness and pain, consider it a boil. If the symptoms are obvious and painful, topical medications such as topical Bactrim or Erythromycin ointment may be used. Squeezing the pimples must be avoided, which can lead to more serious infection. If an abscess has formed, there will be obvious pus formation, which needs to be incised and drained. Anti-infection treatment is needed, pay attention to cleaning the face, wash the face with warm water, cold water is not easy to remove oil, hot water will promote sebum secretion, use non-irritating soap, eat more vegetables and fruits, and keep the bowels open.

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