At what age can children get their teeth straightened

There is no strict age limit for children to straighten their teeth, but the effect of straightening teeth is generally better around 12~15 years old. 1. When the teeth development deformity, often need to correct the teeth, although the correction of teeth and no obvious age limit, but generally too late to correct the effect is not obvious, too early to correct the child’s compliance is relatively poor, generally in the child 12 ~ 15 years old, the permanent teeth eruption is basically complete, the child’s compliance is also better, suitable for correcting the teeth. 2. Moreover, at this age, the bones of the teeth are more active, and the effect of correction after wearing braces is more obvious, and the operation of orthodontic treatment is easier. If a child has malocclusion, he or she should go to the hospital in time to be examined and diagnosed by the doctor to choose the suitable orthodontic method and time.

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