What is the uneven texture of the thyroid gland

Uneven texture of the thyroid gland means that the cells in the thyroid area have morphological changes, which are commonly associated with tumors and cancers of the thyroid gland. In this case, patients should undergo thyroid cytocentesis for pathological examination to identify the presence of tumor factors to determine the condition. Patients with thyroid tumor may experience enlargement of the thyroid gland, and in severe cases, it may cause difficulty in breathing, difficulty in eating, difficulty in swallowing food and hoarseness due to compression of the trachea. If the thyroid tumor is benign, it will grow slowly and will not metastasize extensively. If the tumor is malignant, it will easily metastasize to the brain, lung and lymph nodes of the neck, and in serious cases, it will lead to life-threatening metastasis to the lymph nodes of the whole body.

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