Is it true that smallpox pollen works wonders for diabetes?

Smallpox pollen for diabetes has a miraculous effect this statement is not scientific, diabetes belongs to the category of Chinese medicine thirst, smallpox pollen can be treated with internal heat thirst (body heat accompanied by more food, more drinking, more urination and other symptoms), but the specific efficacy of the individual situation according to a certain degree of variability. Smallpox pollen has the effect of clearing heat and fire (removing heat and fire from the body), generating fluids to quench thirst (promoting the production of fluids to quench thirst), and reducing swelling and draining pus (eliminating pus and swelling and draining pus). It is used for treating fever and thirst, lung-heat and dry cough, internal heat and thirst, sores and swelling. Caution should be exercised in cases of deficiency and coldness of the spleen and stomach (spleen and stomach weak and cold), and loose stools. It should not be used with Chuanwu, Prepared Chuanwu, Caowu, Prepared Chuanwu, Radix et Rhizoma Polygoni Multiflori. Allergic reactions may occur in a small number of patients. If medication is needed, it should be identified by a doctor and standardized treatment should be followed.

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