What is the reason for waking up with swollen eyes in the morning

Waking up with swollen eyes in the morning may be caused by physiological factors, allergic conjunctivitis, nephritis and other factors. 1. Physiological factors: patients who drink too much water before going to bed, too fatigue, lack of sleep, will cause local blood circulation in the eyes is impaired, manifested in waking up in the morning eye swelling. 2. Allergic conjunctivitis: If the patient has too much stimulating substances in the room, it will cause irritation to the conjunctiva of the eyes, and inflammation will occur, and after sleeping, the eyes will appear to be swollen, accompanied by tears, photophobia, burning sensation of the symptoms. 3. Nephritis: usually associated with pathogen infection, autoimmune disorders, endocrine disorders and other factors. Inflammatory exudation in patients with nephritis, there will be swelling of the eyes. If you wake up with swollen eyes in the morning, you should go to the regular hospital for examination, identify the specific cause of the disease, and then choose the appropriate method of treatment.

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