Can you leave the hospital the same day you have your stomach pumped?

Gastric lavage is mostly used for acute poisoning and is usually not discharged on the same day after gastric lavage. After gastric lavage, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for 24h-48h for observation.
Gastric lavage alone cannot completely remove the toxins from the body, and toxins inhaled into the body may need to be removed through blood purification, intravenous fluids to promote metabolism, and so on. The patient will not be discharged from the hospital until the toxins have been completely removed and the symptoms of poisoning have disappeared.
Gastric lavage may also cause gastrointestinal infections, aspiration pneumonia, hypokalemia and other complications, patients need to be closely monitored for a period of time to ensure that there are no complications before discharge.
It is recommended that patients rest more after gastric lavage, pay attention to the observation of the condition, pay attention to a light diet, and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions for medication.

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