What is a cold with hot breath coming out of the nose?

In addition to the symptoms of hot nose, sore throat is also more serious, and some patients may also have severe fever, runny nose or cough with yellow sputum. You can use Pu Di Lan Anti-inflammatory Oral Liquid, which has a good effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, especially for relieving sore throat caused by wind-heat cold. You can also take Banlangen granules, which also have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying and treating upper respiratory tract infections, which is also good for wind-heat colds. In addition, if the cough is accompanied by yellow phlegm, you need to use cough expectorant drugs. For cough and phlegm caused by wind-heat cold, you need to use lung power cough combination, compound fresh bamboo liquid or fresh bamboo liquid for cough and phlegm treatment, which is more effective.

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