What should I do if I have fever and body aches after wisdom tooth extraction?

Wisdom teeth extraction fever body aches and weakness, may be the occurrence of post-extraction infection, anesthesia adverse reaction, upper respiratory tract infection, etc., according to the situation to choose medication with local rinsing medicine, close observation, medication and other treatment measures. 1. Drug treatment with local rinsing and medication: tooth extraction is a surgical procedure, the body’s resistance to decline will cause infection, resulting in generalized pain and weakness, you can take oral anti-infective drugs, such as metronidazole, cefixime capsules, etc., with the extraction of teeth rinsing and medication in the fossa, you can choose to choose the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and saline rinse the blind bag repeatedly, in order to facilitate the healing of the tooth extraction wounds. 2. Close observation: due to the differences between individuals, some patients are more sensitive to anesthesia, after anesthesia may appear fever, body aches and weakness, etc., without special treatment, usually a few days after the return to normal. 3. medication: after tooth extraction, the body resistance will decline, there may be upper respiratory tract infections, causing fever, body aches and weakness, check the blood routine, clarify the bacterial infection or viral infection, and then actively carry out the treatment. Fever, body aches and weakness after tooth extraction, go to the hospital in time to avoid delaying the condition. The use of drugs should follow the doctor’s instructions.

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