What Causes Left Side Testicle Pain in Men

Left testicular pain can be seen in testicular inflammation, varicocele, left testicular trauma, prostatitis and so on. 1. Testicular inflammation: the left testicle has inflammation, the patient has redness, swelling, heat, pain in the scrotum area, and testicular tenderness. You can check urine routine, blood routine, ultrasound and so on to clarify. 2. Varicocele: It is due to the tortuous expansion of the veins on the testicles, which leads to the obstacle of blood return, and the stagnation in the testicles will cause corresponding injury, resulting in hidden pain, falling sensation and other symptoms, and sometimes the spermatogenesis of the testicles will be impaired as a result. 3. Testicular trauma: when the patient suffers from left testicular trauma, the left testicular pain will appear, and ultrasound examination reveals hematoma around the testicle and localized tenderness. 4. Prostatitis: left testicular pain, also seen in prostatitis caused by testicular radiating pain, wandering pain, no tenderness when touching the testicle with the hand, will feel the left testicle swelling discomfort, there will be symptoms of hidden pain in the left testicle. Men with left-sided egg pain need to go to the hospital as soon as possible, by the doctor according to the specific conditions, to formulate individualized diagnosis and treatment plan, so as not to delay the condition.

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