What’s wrong with jumping on both feet and feeling weak?

There are more reasons why feet jump and feel powerless, mainly including cerebrovascular disease, lumbar spine disease and other factors.
1. Cerebrovascular diseases: For example, in patients with acute cerebral thrombosis, the nerve innervating the lower limb is compressed by the thrombus, thus causing numbness and weakness in the area innervated by the nerve. In addition, patients with cerebral hemorrhage and sequelae of cerebral infarction will also have the above symptoms.
2. Lumbar spine disease: Lumbar disc herniation, spinal stenosis, etc., due to nerve compression or injury, thus causing weakness, pain or numbness of the lower limbs in the innervated area.
In addition to the above reasons, cervical spondylosis, diabetic foot, lateral collateral ligament injury of the ankle joint, etc. can also cause the above symptoms. It is recommended to go to the hospital in time, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and then give targeted treatment and therapy.

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