What are the signs of improvement after treatment of cholecystitis

Patients with cholecystitis may experience improvement in the symptoms of cholecystitis, such as the disappearance of distension and discomfort in the right upper abdomen and back, the disappearance of nausea and vomiting, the improvement of constipation, the return of body temperature to normal, and the reduction of jaundice in the skin and mucous membranes.
Typical symptoms of cholecystitis are epigastric pain, starting with epigastric distension and discomfort, causing pain in the right shoulder, scapula and back, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, anorexia, constipation and other gastrointestinal symptoms, and some patients may have chills, fever, and skin and mucous membrane jaundice.
Patients with chronic cholecystitis are treated with oral medications. Such as: cephalosporin antibiotics and choleretic anti-inflammatory choleretic tablets. Relieve the patient’s right upper abdomen and the back of the swelling and pain discomfort.
Acute cholecystitis patients, after intravenous infusion of antibiotics such as: cephalosporins, vancomycin and other anti-infective treatment, the patient’s abdominal pain symptoms and distension symptoms improve, the patient’s jaundice subside, etc., the patient’s cholecystitis is recommended to go to the formal cholecystitis.
Patients with cholecystitis are advised to go to a regular hospital, follow the doctor’s instructions and timely treatment to prevent other complications.

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