Special medicine for sciatica

Sciatica refers to the pain caused by compression of the nerve root, the current treatment drugs are mainly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, muscle relaxants and nutritive nerve drugs, etc., the specific effects vary from person to person, there is no special effect drug. 1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Commonly used drugs include acetaminophen, diclofenac diethylamide, ibuprofen and other drugs, which can be used to alleviate the swelling caused by aseptic inflammation, and achieve the purpose of relieving pain by eliminating local inflammation. 2. Analgesics: Commonly used drugs for neuralgia include carbamazepine, gabapentin, etc. Opioid analgesics can also be added as appropriate to relieve pain. 3. Muscle relaxants: sciatica can lead to muscle spasms in the lumbosacral region, buttocks, and lower limbs, and muscle relaxants such as Eperisone can be used to effectively relieve the pain and discomfort. 4. Nutritional nerve drugs: commonly used drugs such as vitamin B12, methylcobalamin, etc., which can nourish the nerves and promote the recovery of nerve function. Sciatica symptoms should be timely consultation, the use of drugs under the guidance of the doctor, daily attention to warmth, rational arrangement of diet, prohibit spicy and stimulating food, maintain the correct sitting, standing, sleeping posture.

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