What is the reason for children grinding their teeth

There are various reasons for children grinding their teeth at night: first, calcium deficiency or lack of vitamin D. For this phenomenon, children should be given calcium in time, take calcium tablets or drink milk or sunshine to supplement calcium; second, children have gastrointestinal diseases, such as children’s digestive function is not yet perfect, if they eat too much or eat food that is not easy to digest before going to bed, resulting in abdominal pain and bloating when children sleep, which will cause Third, children have dental diseases in the mouth, such as dental caries, pulpitis or periapical inflammation is not treated, the swelling and pain of children’s teeth will also cause the phenomenon of night grinding; fourth, for children in the period of tooth replacement, with the gradual eruption of permanent teeth, there will be early contact with the cusps of individual teeth, causing temporomandibular joint disorders and chewing muscle group function movement, resulting in night This situation will be relieved on its own after all permanent teeth have erupted.

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